In a recent paper produced by three scholars at the University of Chicago school of business, Alex Kim, Maximilian Muhn and Valeri Nikolaev described how they fed thousands upon thousands of balance sheets and income statements into ChatGPT from 15,000 companies from a database spanning 1968 to 2021, stripped of dates and company names, and […]

The timing of investment and divestment of ships is one of the few times that ship owners have control over their own destiny. At most other times they are in the hands of a freight market they have no influence over, although employment decisions – whether to trade spot or on short or longer term […]

In the heat of electoral madness, world trade is hardly on the minds of most voters in the world’s democracies when they decide who to vote for. This is something largely left for the government they vote for to decide, but in deciding their course of action the next election is always on their minds. […]

I was arranging a meeting and asked for the address. It was in a part of Athens that you don’t normally associate with shipping, but by a quick check on Google Maps, and looking at a few known landmarks, I was able to know where I was going. I drive around Athens on a Vespa, […]

As I continue my struggle with the Greek language I find that my aims and targets have subtly shifted Originally, my goal was to get enough language skills to be able to pass the nationality exams here and obtain a Greek passport. Greek nationality, a passport is no longer the target itself, although it is […]